Mindfulness is your superpower!

Many of us look forward to Christmas, for a variety of reasons, looking forward to seeing family or getting away from family! Taking time off work, winter sports, fresh chilly mornings, building snow creatures, slowing down.

Light festive Christmas foliage flatlay with room for text

If you feel anxious or sad at this time of year, perhaps you are missing loved ones, can’t be where you would like to be or something else triggers you-perhaps this year you can make it different.

Give yourself time to grieve a loved one, in your own special way-write to them, sing to them, talk to them, shed many tears-they are still with you, in your heart, in your soul. Honour that. 

You may find you feel obliged to spend time with others who are tricky. You will see them, hear them and respect them but more importantly you will stay strong in your roots to protect yourself and your happiness. Smile, be courteous and know that even the tricky ones need kindness and love. 

My top Christmastime tip:

Lower your expectations and go with the flow! If we set our expectations super high on how a day will play out ie perfectly, expect others to react or behave in a certain way, we might find ourselves disappointed.

Most folks are not mind readers, and they have different ideas, hopes and wishes for the day. All we can do is breathe, smile, relax and enjoy being together. Just don’t overcook the sprouts and everyone stays happy!

If you are up for a complete 360°, maybe you go rogue:

  • Perhaps you volunteer over the festive season to help others, at the soup kitchen, or animal shelter.

  • Maybe you take yourself away for some time to reflect.

  • If for whatever reason this is not an option this year, maybe you plan for another. How about a yoga retreat, a trip overseas… ever had a hot beach Christmas?

We are blessed with opportunity, a creative mind and the choice to make changes. Ditch the turkey, make something completely different! 

Winter Mindfulness Practice:

Get your cosy socks on, find a comfortable quiet place and breathe.

Inhale for a slow count of 4, exhale for a slower count of 6.

Stay here for as long as you can, aim for 5 minutes and let yourself be fully present in these moments.

Knowing that you can connect with your breath at any given time in the day, wherever you may be, whatever might be happening.


Walking into winter armed & ready